

                      The Iberian Peninsula is a microworld formed by very different racial and cultural geographical areas. Its appearance in Universal History begins with the Roman Empire, continues with the fall of it and the subsequent military conquest at the hands of various groups of Central European barbarians, its settlement, creation of the Visigotic Kingdom and the feudalization of it.

                       It is the year 711 (93 AH) when the army of Tariq Ibn Ziyad, general of Emir Muswa Ibn Nusair of Ifriquiya and Magreb, crosses the Strait of Gibraltar and begins the call for official history "Muslim conquest" which extends throughtout the Peninsula (today Spain and Portugal) and goes on to surpass the Pyrenees mountain range and occupy, for a time, part of what is now France.

                       Now, ¿ how can it be expalined that in the term of fiftten years,  the so-called "conquest" takes place? There is only one responsable and valid explanation: the religious and cultural superiority that the "invaders" contributed.

                      From that moment on, the Emirate dependent on the Caliph of Damascuss is established, it is only in the year 750 (133 AH) the Abbasids displace the Umayyads in power and move to Baghdad.

                     It is in the year 756 (139 AH) Ab Al-Rahaman, the only survivor of the Umayyads, fless to Al-Andalus and turns him into an independent emirates of Baghdad.



                      At the beginning of the year 929 (317 AH) the Emir Ab Al-Rahaman III, proclaimed the Caliphate of Cordoba, obtaining overwhelming support from the people.

                      This event is of enormus importance, not only for the history of Al-Andalus, but for the future of Europe and the World. After this event and until 1031 (422 AH) Al-Andalus enters a height of peace, science and wisdom as few have known in the world, standing out in all areas of human knowledge. Likewise, the Caliphate became the first commercial and urban economy in Europe, and radiating art, culture, finance and commerce, contributing to the so-called Renaissance later initiated in Europe.

                       Ther religious and cultural contribution can be quantified today. Serve as an example that Cordoba , its capital, by calculation of specialized historians, came to have population of one million inhabitants, being one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world in its time.


                    However, all that ended. The internal struggles and pressure of the northern christian crusaders, among others, were the factors that led to the disintegration of the Caliphate into multitude of small Taifa Kingdoms.  Despite the adverse circumstances, these kingdoms kept splendor of the Caliphate on a smaller scale, the arts and culture still flourishing in them.

                     In order to protect themselves from the growing christian military advancement Almoravides and Almohades mercenaries were assisted, nevertheless, the christian conquest advanced unstoppably until is culmination, leaving the Andalusian world reduced to the Nasrid Emirate of Granada, founded in 1238 (635 AH) and with capital in Granada city, it remained precariously in intermittent war against the christian of the Crown of the Kingdom of Castile between 1482 (887 AH) and 1492 (897 AH).

                     It is in thi year that his last King Muhammad XII was defeated by the so-called "Catholic Monarchs" and fled to the Maghreb.

                    1492 (897 AH) a terrible year for Al-Andalus and with consequences for the World. Subsequently, and under the central european dynasty of the Habsburg and the reing of Philip III and between the years 1609 (1018 AH) and 1613 (1022 AH) and adducing security excuses and religious unity, the aberrant action of expelling drom the Kingdom all population of muslim rligion or "Moriscos". The expulsion figure is close to 30.000 people, and that along with the previous expulsion from the jewish community, is considered one of the crimes of Hummanity.

                     All this, had dire and overwhelming consequences in the times that followe, due to the expulsion of the most educated, hardworking and entrepenurial population.

                                                                  Finally, Al-Andalus definitely disappeared.

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