About us?


In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Al-Andalus the Flourishing Civilization

In 2017, a group of people met a public library in Madrid, and they found that they shared opinions and concerns regarding their muslim faith. They decided to found an association devoted to rescuing the Al-Andalus civilization from oblivon Al-Andalus contributed for over 800 years to the wealth of Rorld History in general and to the Iberic Peninsula's in particular, where it was born and later disapeared from.
  That group of people decides to collaborate in order to alleviate needs of the muslim collective in Spain and to integrate it in this country.
Our wish is to launch this project in Madrid and proggressively extend it throughout the country. 
We next expose the programs we seek to develop:
We are grateful to all oficial organizations, cultural centers, NGO'S collaborators and supporters for their advice and help to establish project success fully.

If Allah wants it.

About us

We love what we do, and it shows. With a lot of dedication and experience, we know it like the back of our hand. There are no impossible challenges for us, and we give everything in each of the projects we take on.

The components of this association

Each volunteer is unique, therefore, each one has their own role in this organization. Our goal is to come together in order to help and support each other, we are aware of the needs and contributions of each individual. Without further ado, anyone is welcome to join us and give their two cents


Multinational NGO

We want to focus our organization on helping anyone regardless of their nation and we guarantee trust and camaraderie.

Experienced team

Our objectives will be processed by qualified people at all times. We offer full dedication to each of the projects that we take over and obtaining the best possible result.

Guaranteed quality

We try to offer whatever help our volunteers need to make sure things are running smoothly. We are here to answer any questions you may have.
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